Friday, June 25, 2010

Flashback Friday

Things have been busy so I'm late in getting up my Flashback for this week but it looked like one that would be filled with memories for me so I wanted to still participate. This week's Flashback Friday is about our home.

My Flashback:
I lived in the same house my entire life until I moved away to go to college. We lived in the country on one acre of land. Our house had two huge "Christmas trees" in the front yard, which was surrounded in the front and on one side by a stone fence with a metal gate. I thought my older cousins were so cool to walk across the top of the gate from one side of the fence to the other; I was never so brave! Inside the fence was a sidewalk up to a cement porch. I played store, cheerleader, and the "roll the ball game" with my cousin many times on that sidewalk. We had a long driveway and I liked riding my bike up and down and around the circle. Along the pathway, we always found old rusty nails and pieces of glass. I guess it washed up when it rained. My Dad gave me a small bucket and had me pick up those little scraps and told me when I filled it he would give me five dollars. I don't remember if I ever filled up a bucket, maybe once!

The house was wooden with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath. I always felt my room was big. For many years I had a chest freezer in my room. When we added on an addition to the back that freezer was taken out and replaced with an upright in the extra room. I loved being in my room and playing school and "officer" with my cousin. In junior high when I had a test my Mom and I would sit on my bed and she'd review the information with me on the night before the test. My bedroom was yellow and white when I was a baby. I remember it being pink for a while and then when I was older a mint green color. My Mom always made me a new afghan to match the new room colors (and still does today!).
My Dad had a couple of sheds out back where he kept his stuff. He would haul trash for the phone company in addition to his job as a machinist. So he had quite an accumulation and it was all sorted way out in the back. One area we used for a garden where we had tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, okra, and peppers. I remember one time going to pick cherry tomatoes and I filled up my entire doll carriage in one trip. Also in that garden area my cousin and I one time had a huge mud puddle. We always had a few animals, goats and calves mainly. We'd bottle feed the calves and at one time my Mom milked a goat.
So many memories of that home, special and tucked away in my heart.
Have a day of blessings!


Mocha with Linda said...

Such fun memories! I'm glad you joined in!

Denise said...

Enjoyed this.

~ Bonnie ~ said...

This post made me "awwwwwwwwwwwww" at those fun memories!