Monday, April 27, 2009

As long as it is called Today: Christian home keepers (April)

Welcome to "As long as it is called Today." Our focus on the fourth week of the month is to encourage one another as Christian home keepers. I hope you will join me each week on Tuesdays as we encourage each other in our daily lives as Christians, spouses, parents, and home keepers.

You can read the answers to last week's question here. Thank you for sharing your ideas on kids and chores!

Today's question: Share any tips you have on organizing your closet.
My answer: I like the little gizmo (have no idea what it is called, I looked it up and found this which is similar to what I'm talking about) that has several holes where you can hang several hangers at once. Then they hang in layers and take up less space. We've had a few of these in our closet for years, and it does seem to save space.
Be sure to leave your answer in the comments and check back next week for a new month of questions! Thank you for participating!


Denise said...

I love you my friend.

In Light of the Truth... said...

I guess my biggest closet tip is to not buy too much stuff! I kind of have a rule that if the closet is full, then it means we have more than enough clothes and some things need to go. That's after the off-season things are packed away in a bin. Kevin and I share one pretty teeny closet and it all fits (besides some of my longer dresses that I hung in the guest room), and I'd say we have plenty of clothes but still a clean closet.

Amanda said...

I need that!! I need a lot of help in general with closet organization. Thanks so much for the shout out about the blog contest... I see you are nominated all over the place!! Of COURSE you are you awesome blogger!!

Many blessings-

sister sheri said...

One in means one out. I try to keep with coordinating colors... and hang clothes according to style and then color.