Friday, February 20, 2009

As long as it is called Today: Parents (February)

Welcome to our second month of As long as it is called Today! Our focus on the third Friday of the month is to encourage one another as parents. I hope you will join me each week on Friday as we encourage each other in our daily lives as Christians, spouses, parents, and home keepers.

You can read answers to last week's question here: Christian wives/husbands (February)

Today's question: What is a book you have enjoyed reading with your child?

My answer: We enjoy the books by Laura Numeroff like If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. This author has written several books we enjoy.


Denise said...

Have a beautiful weekend my friend, love you.

sister sheri said...

We love listening to books on CD in the car on the way to and from school. "No Talking" by Andrew Clements has to be one of our favorites. (As a gauge... Christopher will be 10 in April.)

Anonymous said...

Great question! We read our childrens Bible to them regularily, but one I particularily enjoy is "You're My Little Love Bug" by Heidi R. Weimer. It plays music as well. Just adorable!

Have a blessed day!

Marsha said...

LOL! It's been a LONG time since I read to my children! All three of mine had the same favorite book. I'm sure you remember it, too. Dr. Suess's "Go Dog Go!"

Debra Kaye said...


My favorite book to read with my son when he was little was "Go Dog Go" because it made him laugh so hard!

Love ya! Hugs to you!