Monday, December 8, 2008

A question for you...

As I've been doing various Christmas projects lately, it has made me wonder what other people do. Leave your answers to any or all of these questions in the comments!

1. What do you use the most....wrapping paper or gift sacks?

2. Do you send Christmas cards or a Christmas letter?

3. How do you sign your Christmas cards (just your name, a personal note, or a general greeting)?

4. Do you use the Christmas stamps? Do you prefer the Nutcrackers or Mother/Child stamps?

5. How do you display Christmas cards you receive?

6. What do you do with cards after Christmas is over?

I hoped we could get some good ideas from each other, especially on #4 and #5.
Here are my answers:

1. I prefer wrapping paper. I have used a couple bags this year for a few things.

2. We send a card with a Christmas letter. I have been writing a letter for the past several years.

3. I like to put something a little personal on the card (like if they have a new house or baby I mention something about that) and then sign our name. Some of them get general though if I don't have something special to say.

4. This year I bought the Nutcracker stamps.

5. I have a red velvety ribbon that says Merry Christmas in glittery font that I use to hang our cards. We've used this a few years, I'm thinking it's time for something new maybe!

6. I just save them in our boxes of Christmas decorations. The pictures I put with the photo album.

"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.'" John 11:25


Denise said...

Have a great week my friend.

Christy said...

1. I wrap more than gift bags.

2. I send a photo card that my friend Tiffany designs. (
3. It depends on who the card is to, but since I have the photo cards our name is already on the card :)
4. I use what ever stamps the post office here gives us, there's not a big variety as there is in the states.

5. I hang them up on the inside of our front door so WE can see them. One of these days I'm going to get a card holder!

6. It depends on the card, if it's a photo card I put it away to one day scrap or just add to a photo album. If it's a regular card that doesn't have a lot of sentimental feelings I place them in recycling. (I used to hang onto them, but honestly there's just not enough room). If it's a special card I'll put it away.

Sarah said...

1. Wrapping paper. we get it from Costco.
2. Christmas cards
3. Usually just sign name, but this year I'm writing personal notes and consequently fewer people will be receiving one.
4. We ended up with mother/child stamps but I'm not terribly particular this year.
5. We display them over our couch on the wall. There's a half-wall with supporting poles and we hang them on the posts.
6. We save the ones with personal notes or pictures for a while, and I let the kids look at them. We do not long-term save any unless they are really extraordinary. If the front of the card doesn't have anything personal on the back of the front, we cut the front off and re-use them for gift tags the next year.

Natalie said...

I love the MOther and Child Stamp. There is something so intimate about it.

Debbie Petras said...

I usually use wrapping paper.
Depending on what's been happening in my life that year determines whether I include a letter in the card. You know if there's special news to share I will write.
I sign my cards personally and try to include something personal about them.
I place all the cards in a tray beside a small Christmas tree on my counter.
After Christmas, I save all of the pictures but toss the cards. The only exception is if I receive a card with special significance like someone I hadn't heard much from or a special loved one.

Lucy Mills said...

We hang our cards on string hung at the top of the wall so they look a bit like bunting!! I chop them up to make new ones or use fancy scissors to create gift tags for next year, except for immediate family ones, which I keep. My mum uses them for shopping lists!!

susansspace said...

1. Both. I even like to wrap small gifts that I put in gift sacks.
2. Cards
3. At least a short personal note on each card.
4. My husband's a stamp collector, so I use a mixture of various Christmas stamps.
5. On clip 'trees'. I have 3, & each holds 8 cards, so when they're filled, additional cards stand opened on the mantel or on end tables.
6. Save them all. Eventually, I go back through them; keep a few favorites & use others in crafts projects or as gift tags, etc.

This was a great idea, Bethany! I've enjoyed reading yours & others' answers.
S: )

Marsha said...

Great way to do this - have all of us share the meme with you! I'll come back later this evening or tomorrow when I have more time. Have a blessed day!

Anonymous said...

Fun list!
1. I prefer to wrap gifts... I usually pick a theme every year and wrpa everyones in that theme. Last year it was brown packaging paper for the wrapping with big fat jewel toned ribbons and then I cut out 12 inch letters that were the recipients initials and hung them from each gift. No one EVER appreciates it. But I LOVE it!
2. I send a Christmas letter USUALLY in a card I have made by hand, but I did not feel up to it this year as we usually send out about 150... so just a card, a fullpage of pictures, and a hand written note on each letter.
3. Whoops! I hand sign each letter and try to write soemthing personal on each. I dislike getting Christmas letters that are mass produced and someone just stuffed into an envelope after getting printing out my address on a sticker and slapping it on. How impersonal. :)
4. I usually try to get Mother/Child or something beautiful..they usually have more options...
5. I put all cards into a basket I put out on the table.
6. I usually save cards until next Christmas when I then throw them out...but I do try to go through them again and see all the pictures!
Have a blessed day!