Friday, December 26, 2008

Friday Favorites: Christmas #4

For my final Friday Favorite of 2008 I've chosen "Let There Be Peace on Earth." It is a song I remember singing in elementary choir, probably for a Christmas program. The words are very true. I love this version that I included above from You Tube.

This song makes me stop and think what can I do to "let it begin with me." How can I help there be peace on earth? I obviously can't call an end to the war or make people quit hating others. But how I live can be an example of peace. I can be an example of peace for my son by teaching him how to handle situations rationally. As a teacher I saw kids that did not have any example from their parents of how to handle problems other than going into a fit of rage or using violence. I can build my husband up with my words to him and about him to others. So many relationships have no peace. If spouses watched their words, this would change though. I can do other things to in response to others on the phone, in my car, and at the store.

With this post, it will be my last "Friday Favorite." I have enjoyed having these monthly themes for my favorite songs the past year. I have many more favorites, and since music plays such a huge role in my life I will continue to share favorites off and on in the future.

I do have something NEW coming for the first Friday in January that I would like to invite you to join. You'll find out more by visiting next week! I'm excited about this and hope it will be a blessing to my blog readers.

Have a wonderful weekend!
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you." John 14:27


Denise said...

I have always enjoyed this song sweetie.

Debbie Petras said...

Gosh, it's been such a long time since I heard this song. I loved it, especially with the choir singing. And how true those words are; "let it begin with me". I guess we can't change others but we have the choice to begin with ourselves. You wrote a very inspiring post. Thank you!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Ohhhh this was my favorite favorite song. My grandmother had it on 8 track and I played it over and over and sang with her!!