Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Facebook and our week

Are any of you, my readers, on Facebook? I have an account there and have enjoyed finding new friends there. It is amazing all the people you can find from high school or college! It's a fun way to connect with old friends I think. Email me your name if you have an account and I can find you!

Hope you are having a good week. Monday night we went shopping. The boys went Christmas shopping and I just went out by myself. I went to a couple stores, got a shake at Sonic (I was sad they don't have banana pudding anymore!), and picked up a gift at the mall for my Mom. Caleb was so cute when they got home and he was being secretive and telling me not to come in the garage. After he had gone to bed I saw in the garage a new ironing board hanging in place of my old one. My husband took me and showed me and said it wasn't part of my Christmas and he just wanted to give it to me. He knew I needed a new one! Tuesday morning I said something to Caleb about it and he had to call and tell Daddy I had found it. We spent a couple hours Tuesday morning making Christmas treats....chocolate covered pretzels, peanuts, and peanut butter crackers. Caleb was so excited to show Daddy what we made when he got home. Tuesday night "we" (but mostly my husband while I fixed bags of the other stuff) made "puppy chow." We fixed gift sacks to take to various people and a tray for Daddy to take to work. It has been sleeting here also. Caleb thinks it is going to turn into snow by morning.

I'm still working on my Christmas cards. They are addressed and written. I need to print the Christmas letter to go inside now.

Have a good rest of the week!
"The LORD is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one." Psalm 28:8


Debra Kaye said...


I don't have a facebook acct but my sister and son do and a lot of my friends do. I can barely keep up with blogging. lol

I loved the story about your new iron..I thought that was so sweet and I also loved that you make puppy chow!! We do too!

Happy Wednesday, sweet friend!

Debbie Petras said...

I love that you include Caleb when you made your gift sacks for others. That was the topic of my blog post today; balancing time with family and doing things for others. I like how you combine the two.

I'm on Facebook and love connecting with old friends and new alike. My name is Debbie Petras so feel free to friend me if you like.

Denise said...

Praying blessings over you dear.

Christy said...

I do! :) Email me at:

sister sheri said...

I'm on facebook... how do we link up?

Lori said...

I do =) Laurel Wreath

Marsha said...

Oh my! If I did Facebook besides blogging I'd never sleep! lol!

BTW - about the iron and ironing board and being thankful about it... may I send hubby's shirts over to be pressed? ;)