Friday, December 5, 2008

Book #38: The Perfect Life

This week I quickly finished this book The Perfect Life by Robin Lee Hatcher. This is the story of Katherine Clarkson. She sees her life as perfect with her wonderful, good looking husband and two married, pregnant daughters. She must do a reality check though when her life is suddenly thrown into the public eye after allegations against her husband's faithfulness and financial misconduct with his organization In Step, which provides homes for those who otherwise couldn't afford it. Katherine has to do some serious soul searching and seek God to determine if she trusts her husband. She learns some valuable lessons about herself, her husband, her daughters, and God.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6


Denise said...

Sounds like a good read my friend.

HEATHER said...

Wow, that book sounds really Awesome. Hope you have a "great" weekend.
Love in Christ,
Heather A.