Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope all of you have a lovely Thanksgiving with your families. Our plan is to go to my Mom's house tonight actually. My husband is able to take off Wednesday and Friday. We'll probably do some shopping Wednesday. Thursday after our meal my husband will go to the deer lease. He plans to come back and get me Saturday and we'll go watch a football game. More on that later!

Things will be busy in the coming days but I wanted to tell all of my bloggy friends Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful to have "met" you and be able to share a little bit of my life with you. I look forward to reading about your lives as well. God bless you all! You are special to me!
"I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving." Psalm 69:30


Laurie Ann said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! May you have a wonderful time with your family...

Christy said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you too and thank you for adding my prayer requests.

Musings of A Minister said...

Thanks for dropping by and wishing me a happy birthday. I want to wish you and your family a happy Thanksgiving. It sounds like you are going to have a happy and busy time the next few days. Now, I have a silly question for you. Are you a "professional" book reviewer? I see from one of you other blogs that you are definitely a book reviewer! I'm just wondering if you just read and then review the book or if you are doing it for a publisher. I have just reviewed my first book for Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Musings of A Minister said...

Yes, I graduated from ACC in 1957. While a student there I felt like "I had died and gone to heaven." After graduation I went to California to preach. I earned an MA in religion from Pepperdine. I preached in ElMonte for 8 years, West Covina for 6 years and Central in Stockton for 20 years. I retired from Lincoln Heights Christian Church in Phoenix after 15 years. As you can tell from my blog, some of my views have changed over the years. My love for the members of the Church of Christ and the restoration movement have not changed.

sister sheri said...

When I count my blessings... well, you know... I count you! Happy Thanksgiving!

Denise said...

Bless you dear one, have a beautiful Thanksgiving. I love you.

Ruthie said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving - I know you will with your lovely family. Sounds like you have some busy days ahead of you.
Blessings to you.