Monday, November 17, 2008

Book #35: Where My Heart Belongs

I finished this book on Saturday. It is called Where My Heart Belongs by Tracie Peterson. I borrowed it from the local library.

This is a "prodigal son" type story. Amy returns to her family farm after being gone for 12 years with no contact of any kind. At the age of 18 she changed her name to Sunshine, took her inheritance, and left. When she returns home she finds her sister Kathy and her dying father. Her mother died after she left. The sisters much learn to trust again if they are going to fulfill their father's dying wish that they rebuild their relationship.

Kathy struggles with the fact that she never heard from her sister during the 12 years she was away and imagined the life of happiness her sister must be living while she has to care for her parents and the farm. She feels she gave up college as well as her engagement in an effort to care for her parents when her sister left. "Sunny" gradually shares pieces of her life from the past 12 years, a past that was in no way pleasant.

I enjoyed this story. The main lesson I learned is the power of bitterness and the hold it can have on a person as well as the freedom of forgiveness. I look forward to other books by this author.

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19

1 comment:

Debra Kaye said...


This looks like something I need to read right now!

((hugs) my friend!