Monday, August 18, 2008


Saturday night before we go to sleep I was telling my husband all the things that have been on my mind lately with Caleb starting school next year. When I was in high school, each year I had a new "what if" worry for myself. Looking back at those now they seem so silly! Before I entered 9th grade it was "what if I can't get my locker open?" and "what if I fall down the steps with my tray at lunch?" For 10th grade I was scheduled to take keyboarding so it was "what if I can't type?" Now that we are a year away from Caleb starting school I find myself with new "what if's" for him and his first day. I'm sure everything will be fine for Caleb in school, it is just easy for me to come up with these things as I ponder it. I know it is silly to worry about all these things and know I'm not suppose to worry.

Sunday morning the Sunday School lesson from our new series about experiencing the heart of Jesus was about peace. It is important to remember that Jesus faced the same troubles and problems we face daily. He was tempted. He was busy. He had those times when He needed to just get away and be alone. This lesson comforted my heart. The ending verse we read was Isaiah 26:3, one of my favorites.

Thank You, God, for the peace you give.

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3


susansspace said...

Don't you just love those words
'perfect peace'? They kind of wash over you like a cool breeze.
By the way, a very belated 'Happy 4th Birthday' to Caleb. I tried to send a comment from Fla., but
couldn't get it to post. What a smart boy he is! I thought he was at least 6 or 7!

Marsha said...

My first day of school was the same every year - mostly because I was usually going to a different school...I'd throw up the first 2 or 3 days.

And with those words, I wish you a blessed week! ;)

(I should be serious...honestly, this is a wonderful post...very honest.