Monday, February 18, 2008


We went to the dr. Caleb tested positive for the flu. The dr. did not test me and was unsure what was wrong due to my symptoms and not having fever so far. We will both be starting on some RX soon. Keep us in your prayers. Remember JMP too. The dr. thought he may have had the flu orignally with his high fever and he is still trying to recover and care for us.


Pamela said...

I will pray for all of you. I hope you all are recovered soon.
DH, DS were sick for three weeks. DD now has flu.
Feel better!!!

Kathy said...

I'm sorry that you are all sick. There's been so much of that going around here. Take care of yourself!

Chandra said...

So sorry to hear that you are all still under the weather. Feel better soon!