Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Two blessings

This was the prayer today in The One Year Book of Daily Prayer. It was a blessing to read this Psalm.

1 O God, listen to my cry!
Hear my prayer!
2 From the ends of the earth,
I cry to you for help
when my heart is overwhelmed.
Lead me to the towering rock of safety,
3 for you are my safe refuge,
a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me.
4 Let me live forever in your sanctuary,
safe beneath the shelter of your wings!
Psalm 61:1-4

I love the picture this paints in my head of the "towering rock of safety." The prayer for today says "O God, lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge..."

I was also blessed today at Wal-Mart while checking out. The cashier gave me my change, and I saw a 20 on top instead of a 10. I handed it back to her, and she thanked me over and over again. Then she said, "Thank you Jesus." She went on to tell me that was the second thing that had happened good for her today. On her way to work she was nearly hit by a car that was turning. It made me smile to hear her sincerity and her thankfulness for protection. She thanked me again for giving back the 20 as we left. I don't always hear people publicly thanking Jesus for anything so it was nice to hear and she blessed my day.
"For though we have never yet seen God, when we love each other God lives in us and his love within us grows ever stronger." I John 4:12


Kathy said...

That was a good story about your Wal Mart experience. Not too long ago at Office Depot, my husband handed the cashier a little pocket calendar that has a Bible verse on it and she got so happy about it and thanked us over and over and said that she loves anything that's about Christ. He gives these calendars out all the time but she definitely had the best reaction.

Stylin said...

Thats a great story