Monday, February 25, 2008

Our weekend and the week ahead

We had a nice weekend together, all feeling well again. Hooray for that! On Saturday we went to a Home & Garden Show. We enjoyed visiting the various vendors. Caleb made me laugh when he hollered out GIRL SCOUT COOKIES as we were turning down one aisle. We bought a box, none of which are left this morning. We came home and let Caleb have his nap in the afternoon. Then in the evening we went back to eat at Gatti's for Caleb being done with his medicine. I think I've mentioned here before how Caleb likes to eat the "little meats" off their salad bar. I was helping him fix his salad plate, and we didn't see any little meats. At that time a girl came up to restock some vegetables. I asked her if they had any of the little meats. When we sat down, JMP was laughing and said I could have asked for ham. It was such a funny moment. In my logic they are "little meats" since that is what Caleb calls them. It never occurred to me the girl wouldn't know what I meant and the rest of the world doesn't call them "little meats." We had a good laugh over my silliness! We also went to Dollar Tree. Caleb wanted princess plates and hats for my birthday celebration (as he calls it). They didn't have any so he said we could just get purple plates since that is my favorite color.

Sunday we went to church. There was a meeting last night about a mission trip this summer to a children's home in New Mexico. This is the first year for the group to go to this particular home. It sounds exciting, and we are considering going as a family.

This week we'll be a little bit back on schedule. I'm looking forward to going to Walmart since it's been so long since I've been (or it feels so long at least). Tuesday we'll stay home, finish laundry, and pack up for going to my Mom's. Then Wednesday we'll go to the food pantry and library.
"Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place." Zora Neale Hurston


Kathy said...

So glad you are all feeling better and getting back to normal. So, you actually said "little meats" to the restaurant worker? That is so funny. We still have a word our kids used when they were little that has stuck -- we still say poo-poo. (sorry!)

bp said...

Yes I asked the lady for little meats! It makes me laugh now to think of that!

Sarah said...

That's pretty funny. I bet she looked at you a little weird. So nice that you are feeling better!

sister sheri said...

And how many times have we asked... "where's your potty?" er... I mean bathroom!