Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thankful Thursday

It is such a wonderful thing to count your blessings. I will post more about this tomorrow. I am thankful to be able to participate in Thankful Thursday again today.
This week I am thankful for. . .

*my husband supporting me and encouraging me in the things I do. His words mean so much to me.

*my sweet boy who will randomly stop what he's doing and give me an "I love you" and/or kiss.

*hot baths. On these cold nights I really enjoy warming up in a hot, hot bath. It is so relaxing!

*strength. Sometimes I feel weary and get to feeling overwhelmed with tasks ahead of me. I'm thankful for God's strength and the refreshment He gives each morning.

*our warm home. I am reminded of this every time I see a homeless person wandering the streets bundled up with probably all they own.

This morning at the food pantry the man who led the prayer quoted Psalm 118:24--"This is the day the Lord has made." We can rejoice whatever kind of day that or cold because He made it for us.

Hope you have a day full of blessings. You can read other Thankful Thursday posts by visiting Iris today. God bless you!
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ." Ephesians 1:3


Anonymous said...

Its nice really to have a nice family to love, care and spend with us. I am thankful for you to share this. Take care.

Sandi said...

I really like your post this moring it opened my eyes to something I've been whinny about. We don't have much money to heat our home this winter so we never let our tempture go above 66. But then I read you are thankful for a warm home when so many are homeless. OK you humbled me. I am thankful for a warm home and clothes to layer to keep me warm. The homeless don't have anything close to what I do. Thank you.

Marsha said...

OHH, I remember taking long hot baths! Dr says no can do anymore because of problems with UTIs. I haven't had one now in years - no infections either.

Love the verse you put with this post, also.

Blessings, dear sister.

Ms. Kathleen said...

Hot baths are so relaxing and seem to warm my cold bones!

Families are such an amazing blessing and what sweet boys you have.

Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading some of your recent posts. It is so good to be thankful for our spouses especially if they allow us to be doing the other things we love instead of working. I used to think I wasn't as worthy as other wives who had careers. Now I"m just thankful that I am able to use my time for other pursuits like volunteer work.
Memories of your peepaw: I have moments like those too of my parents. Sometimes, it is just when I have a funny incident that I know my Daddy would have laughed about if I could tell him. Its good to have these remmeberances of our loved ones.
I enjoyed reading your posts today.
Mama Bear

Stylin said...

Yes hot baths after a long winter run!!!
Thank God for that...and a great running companion !My dog

Denise said...

Such a wonderful list dear.

Cheryl said...

I too am thankful for strength. HE has to give me the strength to make it through the day. That is a very good thing to be thankful for along with the many other things you mentioned. Thanks for a great TT Post. God Bless!

Unknown said...


I always love to read a thankful list about husbands. Neat.

Seems everyone is thankful for heat today.. yum.. yum...

Have a wonderful week. Love and hugs, Lynn

ThankfulMommy said...

Thanks for coming by my page. Please come back sometime! I'm also thankful for the things you've mentioned. Sometimes when I get down about things not being quite like I want here at home, I always think there's someone that has it worse, like you said - homeless people sleeping in the cold tonight.

Amel said...

GREAT list, BP!!! By the way, you can find free cute animated GIFs here:

Glitter Graphics

Nise' said...

Your thankful list warms my heart today! Have a great weekend.

Kathy said...

I love hot baths too!

Anonymous said...

these list of thankfuls help me brighten up my day.
thank you for welcoming me to TT.
your prayers appreciated.

eph2810 said...

Oh, a hot bath sounds really great. We only have showers in our house :)...

Having a roof over our head and the pantry full of goodies to eat, it truly is a blessing.

Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.

Be blessed today and always.