Saturday, January 26, 2008

A few recent "Caleb-isms"

I haven't written about Caleb lately so I thought I'd do that today. He is doing great in every aspect. Last week was a busy week for us. I could tell he missed being at home since we were gone so much.

He is spelling words now. He's been reading the letters on signs as we drive for a while. For Christmas he got a Word Whammer and has enjoyed playing with it. (Mommy has had some fun with it too!)

When we go to the library now he likes to look up books on the computer. I had told him before when I was looking for a certain book that I could type it in and see if the library had that book. He tells me what type of book he wants and I will help him type in the word. Most of the letters he finds himself.

I was sorting through his toy box today to make some space for some stuff that didn't really have a place. I had a box ready to donate. He came in and asked what I was doing. I told him getting rid of some stuff. Don't get rid of my weed eater he told me. No Caleb I won't get rid of your weed eater! As he was walking out he had two things in his hands that he did need! The boxes got moved out to the garage so he couldn't sort any more "needed" things out. He saw a little helicopter and told me I loved that helicopter when I was a baby.

Last night I saw some Valentine socks and found a pair for my grandmother. Caleb reached out and grabbed another pair. I said you want those for Meemaw instead? He said no for myself. Daddy told him Valentine theme socks are for girls! The pair he picked are black and only have a tic tac toe design at the top with hearts. I guess Mommy can have them, right?

We decided to get ice cream on the way home. I was asking Caleb what kind we should get, naming the different fast food places on our way. JMP remembered Dairy Queen so we went there. Caleb kept telling us on the way where he wanted to stop. He didn't know the name, and I didn't recognize which place he meant from what he described. He told us he wanted a desert. It was funny because of course I thought he meant dessert but didn't know what would make him say desert. We pulled up to Dairy Queen and he got so excited because that is the place he was trying to tell us to go. I told Gramma about this and she thought maybe he was trying to say Blizzard for desert.
"With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:8, 9 NIV

1 comment:

Runnergirl Creations said...

I loved the Caleb stories!!!! Thanks for sharing! :)