Friday, November 30, 2007

Growing in patience

Another thought from a devotional I read last night says: "Not everything can be the way we like it all the time, but criticism and harsh words rarely bring about a lasting and peaceful cooperation or fulfilment of our desires. Patience and kindness, on the other hand, do."

This was again perfect timing for me because lately I've been thinking about patience in regard to parenting. I know sometimes I'm not as patient as I want to be with our sweet boy when we're trying to hurry and leave or he doesn't come immediately when I call him. This is something I'm always striving to improve. I thought of examples of Caleb's times of immediate cooperation and other times when he wasn't so cooperative. How did my tone or attitude influence his response?

There are many other relationships in life we need to consider the value of using patience and kindness in place of criticism and harsh words. Some that come to mind for me are with our spouses, employers, the elderly, children's teachers, friends, in line at the grocery store, driving.....the list could go on. I challenge you (and myself) to try out being patient and kind in a situation you would normally be impatient and critical. What were the results? How did the circumstances improve?

Have a blessed weekend. Thanks for reading!
"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." Ephesians 4:2

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