Wednesday, September 19, 2007


We had Caleb's pictures made, and they came back last week. I was surprised to get the call that they had already arrived because I was not expecting them until this week. We have them made each year after his birthday. They turned out cute I'd say. I ended up with three different with him sitting with his hand on his knee, one standing with his hands on his hips, and another of him leaning over. The leaning one is a close up of his face, and he was laughing so I liked it. I have been cutting them apart and writing his name and age on the backs of them while we're at Mom's. Now I need to make my list and figure out who will get which pose and which size. My Mom was so good about this when I was growing up. She was consistent in giving the same sizes each time we had pictures made it seems....the grandparents always got the 5 x 7s, we kept the 8 x 10, etc. I intended to do this too ,but I haven't with the packages they print now. We'll have enough to give everyone but don't buy extras just so everyone can have whatever size they had last time. Oh well! I hope no one cares what size of picture they receive of our boy!

We'll be going soon (at the beginning of November probably) to have our family picture made for Christmas cards. I did see some Christmas cards on the rack today at Dollar General. That surprised me!
"Memory is a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things." ~Pierce Harris, Atlanta Journal

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