Friday, February 28, 2025

Book + Bible Study

I have a new book and Bible study to share with you today by Lysa Terkeurst.


About the book:

New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst shows you what to do with your skepticism and distrust so you can heal from past betrayals and move forward with strength and resilience.

Trust is the oxygen of all human relationships. But it's also what trips you up after you've been burned. Maybe a friend constantly lets you down. A leader or organization you respect turns out to be different than they portray themselves to be. A spouse cheats on you. A family member betrays you. You're exhausted by other people's choices and starting to question your own discernment. And you're wondering, If God let this happen, can he even be trusted?

How can you live well and step into the future when you keep stumbling over trust issues? Lysa TerKeurst says it's not simply about finding better people to walk with. It's about developing the stability you long for within yourself and with God, so you don't become cynical and carry a broken belief system into every new relationship. In I Want to Trust You, But I Don't, Lysa shows you how to

  • identify which of the eleven relational red flags are stirring up distrust, so you can pinpoint why you're feeling uneasy;
  • stop having more faith in your fears coming true than God coming through for you by asking crucial "what if" questions to better process your doubts;
  • recognize when a fractured relationship can be repaired by considering a reasonable list of characteristics necessary for rebuilding trust; and
  • understand the physical, emotional, and neurological impact of the betrayals you've experienced and start healing from the inside out.

In a world where so many things feel alarming, this book will give you a peace that isn't dependent on unpredictable people, circumstances, and experiences. Instead, it offers practical and biblical ways to make real progress toward healthier perspectives, relationships, and a future you can authentically look forward to.

About the study:

Building upon and further unpacking the scriptural concepts in her book I Want to Trust You, but I Don’t, this six-session Bible study (video access included) will equip you to:

  • Identify which of the 11 relational red flags are stirring up distrust, so you're able to better pinpoint why you're feeling uneasy.
  • Recognize when it's possible to repair a fractured relationship and how to do it with a five-step framework you can start using today.
  • Understand what the Bible says about trusting God and others so you're equipped to make decisions that are in line with Scripture.
  • Learn how to know the difference between a feeling you're having and true discernment from the Holy Spirit so you can move on from the past with more wisdom and assurance.

This study guide includes:

  • Individual access to six streaming video sessions
  • A guide to best practices for leading a group
  • Video notes and a comprehensive structure for group discussion time
  • Personal study for deeper reflection between sessions

My thoughts:

I felt there was a lot in this book that I couldn't relate to in regards to losing trust in marriage; however, she does give examples of other situations where a person can lose trust.  I appreciate that she shares some of her personal experiences and the process of trusting again when trust was broken.  She makes it clear this is not an overnight thing and will take time.  

Each chapter ends with "One More Thing I Want You to Know" followed by Remember, Receive, Reflect, and Pray.  I like this feature as it is helpful to review when you read nonfiction.   Here is an example from one chapter.  

There are single quotes on individual pages throughout the book.  Here is one.  

This is the type of book you may need to read more than once to glean information from it.  

About the Bible Study:
I have done many Bible studies through the years by a variety of authors.  I like the set up of this one with a schedule for you to follow for each chapter/session.  

The personal study days are similar to other studies I've done with questions, passages to read, and fill in the blanks to answer.  

For the video sessions notes are included as well with space to take your own notes.

Click on this link to learn more about this author and these books and to purchase.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to provide a positive review.


Have a day of blessings!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thankful Thursday

~ my husband  getting some work done at the house when he took off last Friday so he was also able to go to Titus' events. 

~ getting to take our big boy lunch while he was working like I did in the "old days."  LOL

~ seeing our DIL at supper on Saturday at a cute choir performance and dinner we went to, she got a cute picture with one of the props too with Titus.

~ watching our little guy at his Hoops for Heart event! His team did great in their events.  He raised over $400 too for the American Heart Association with the event.  

~ getting to close on our house on Monday! We don't get the keys until tomorrow.

~ birthday cards in the mail that have been so sweet.  One was painted/stamped and the others had such sweet messages.  It made my day.

~ the progress we've made on packing this house and getting it ready to put it on the market.  I'm thankful for the work I did in the fall in clearing out before I even knew we were moving.  

Have a day of blessings! 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Thankful Thursday

Super busy two days for me so writing on Friday and posting it to Thursday night.

It has been COLD here this week!  Brrrr! No ice or snow, just cold.

I am thankful for.............

~  my husband telling me I'm beautiful in the morning when we wake up. It's so sweet to hear.

~  my big boy asking if I wanted to bring him lunch like I used to do when he was working or on football Fridays.

~ my DIL sharing her ideas for lunches for my son while he starts his clinicals, how she takes care of him, and asked me for ideas.  

~ my little boy doing a good job in the 4th Six Weeks at school and all A's and perfect attendance.  

~ getting to quilt again this week! 

~ my Mom getting my items ready for me to take to the consignment sale this week.  I got them dropped off.

~ friends saving boxes for us.  I have a box mountain in the garage!

Have a day of blessings! 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Thankful Thursday

This is always a special week for us because it brings back so many memories of when we started dating.  This week I am thankful for....

~ my  husband that asked me to be his valentine 27 years ago today!  We were talking about it this morning how many years it had been.

~ getting to help my big boy work at their land.  He's making progress and has a vision.

~ my DIL helping us at our PTO meeting to make "valogram" bags for a fundraiser.

~ my little boy making his valentine's for his friends.  He started writing them himself and finding a sticker for each one, no help needed from Mom.  We decided to add a piece of candy too which meant getting little bags for them because the heart bags I had were too small for the cards.  

~ having a good report from a follow up mammogram this week.  

~ coloring time!  With all that's been going on I've been coloring as I wait in car line which is a nice relaxing time for me.  I listen to music or my audio book too. 

~ our heater for these cold days, both in our vehicles and our home.

Have a day of blessings! 


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening? 
We watched it....with a lot of muting of commercials and the half time show.  
I didn't have a son had been telling me he wanted the Eagles to win so yes his team did win.
We had homemade pizza for our supper that night.  
I like chips and queso but we didn't have it this time.

2. What's your 'superpower'? 
Do all Mom's have a superpower to know when something is amiss and going to check at just the right now?

3. Will you do anything special on Valentine's Day? If so do share. Any thoughts on/about this particular holiday? Share a favorite verse or quote relating to love. 

It turns out this year that our school is out on Valentine's Day plus Monday for President's Day.  It turned out that way with the end of the six weeks grading period. Friday is a professional development day for staff and we are having our "wellness day" for them.  This is the 2nd year we are doing it.  So my morning will be spent doing that.  

We have a tradition of mailboxes to count down the days till Valentine's.  We start on February 1 and leave notes or small treats for each other.  When the flag is up you have mail! Our youngest loves it and gets really into it.  Today he didn't have an actual item in his mailbox but a balloon tied to his chair at breakfast.  

A favorite Bible verse related to love:  Romans 5:8  But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

4. Are you a fan of the rom-com genre? If so what's one of your favorites? If you're not a movie go-er then what about a book you love that features a great love story? How about a favorite love song? 

Rom-com is okay every now and then. I like "You've Got Mail."  

I  enjoy historical fiction by Karen Witemeyer.  They have a touch of romance.  I'm reading the last of the Hanger's Horsemen series now.

There are so many songs that come to mind from our dating days.  A favorite is "I Will Be Here" by Steven Curtis Chapman.

5. Let's get creative...write an acrostic using the word L-O-V-E. 

Learn to listen
Open your heart and share
Validate the other person's feelings
Enjoy being together

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We had word this week we could possibly close Friday on our new house  But there were no openings that day and then we heard of an issue on the seller's side that the title company is working out.  Monday isn't an option because it is a holiday.  Maybe next week??

Have a day of blessings! 

Children's book: The World Needs the Wonder You See

About the book:
New York Times bestselling author Joanna Gaines welcomes you on an imaginative adventure through nature’s small surprises and invites you and your children to be curious, slow down, and take in everyday wonders. With vibrant art by Julianna Swaney that is full of dreamy details, this whimsical picture book will inspire your family to pause busy schedules and explore together.

In The World Needs the Wonder You See, you and your kids will slow your pace, look closely, and find joy as you make discoveries together;join a diverse cast of children on a journey below leaves, amidst treetops, under ocean waves, through rabbits’ tunnels, and into the clouds;imagine hidden worlds in which ladybugs live in tiny cabins, snails journey through mushroom fields, and stars paint stories across the sky; andlearn to notice the amazing beauty that children naturally see.T his companion book to The World Needs Who You Were Made to Be is perfect for children ages 4–8.

Celebrate the wonder of the world through a child’s eyes in this imaginative book about all the beauty, hope, and surprise hiding in plain sight. Look up. Lean in. Bend low. Reach for new heights. Every day, from every place, there’s more to see in this great big world of possibility.

My thoughts:
This book has a good message for children and adults alike.  Often as adults we are no longer curious as we once were.  This book reminds the reader the value of paying attention to the world and nature around you.  How much more will you see if you just take time to notice?  Children are better at this than adults I think!  

This is a beautifully illustrated book to read with your chid.  It would be a good conversation starter for elementary aged children about what they noticed in their world.  For younger children the illustrations will provide opportunities to talk and use new vocabulary words.  

I received a copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to provide a positive review.

Have a day of blessings!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Thankful Thursday

I love February and the memories associated with this month.  And it's also my birthday month!

This week I am thankful for...

~ my husband speaking words of encouragement over me.

~ when I get a text from my big boy asking if I wanted to meet at the local pizza place for lunch.

~ when my DIL sends me a picture of their dog with a pillow I made for my son asking if I can make one for the dog sometime.

~ getting to eat lunch at school with my little guy.

~ enjoying the sunshine and warm days that feel like spring before we are back to feeling like winter next week.

~ finding Cutco knives in an online auction and getting 4 pieces for $9!! Woohoo! These are great knives!  We love ours.

~ starting our February tradition of mailboxes.  We leave a little surprise, treat, or note in each others' mailbox and raise the flag to show they have mail.

Have a day of blessings! 